I'm rather late with this one. I had been pretty stumped by this topic as I didn't want to do anything similar to anyone else's. I toyed with the idea of a landscape ruined by a WalMart or that type of thing but nothing really spoke to me. Meanwhile I'd gotten distracted this week by a painting that was itching to get painted. My husband and I had gone up to the National Bison Range a few weeks ago and he'd taken a beautiful picture of a bull standing alone in the grasslands in that wonderful evening light and I just had to paint it. Great, but I still needed something for IF... but wait - this fits! The slaughter and near-extinction of the bison by the US government to bring the Indians to their knees was certainly a sacrifice of a magnificent animal and the sacrifice of many cultures' way of life!
The painting itself is not my final work on this. I am struggling with how to capture the quality of the light and how to show the texture of the grasses. So stay tuned...
All of the illustrations in this blog are copyrighted, so don't be a jerk and use them for your own selfish purposes. Thanks.