I never met a color I didn't like.
~ Dale Chihuly
Bridger Mountains as seen from Bozeman, MT at dusk |
Oh dear, I have been neglecting my blog. Partly it is Life zooming along at breakneck speed, but also partly feeling less than inspired about what to post. Back in late April I attended a fantastic 4-day color workshop for oil painters in my beloved Montana, so you'd think that would give me some blog-worthy material to share with you, but the writer's block has remained stubbornly in place. We also moved across town to a new home, which has provided endless excuses for me to procrastinate.
My new studio space is clearly a work in progress. Can you spot the cat sleeping peacefully amongst the chaos? |
I've been feeling very restless artistically, and went through a couple of months of wondering what my artistic purpose/direction was. I don't know that I've really sorted that out yet, but at least I'm feeling more energized about art again. However, I'm still not clear on my focus for blogging.
Back in 2006, I started a blog to be able to participate in
Illustration Friday, and then in 2009 I used the blog to track the 100 Painting Challenge I undertook with support from Laure Ferlita over at
Painted Thoughts. At that point the blog became the "Inner Artist", to reflect my journey in reclaiming my long-buried artistic soul. However, 6 years later and "Inner Artist" doesn't seem to fit me any more. I'm certainly not saying that I don't still struggle with self-confidence and fear, or that I've "made it" as an artist, but I think I've moved beyond the original intent of this blog. So now what?
Workshop color study with blue-violet and yellow-orange as my main colors. The middle column of color is made up of the neutral shades that were mixed from those two complementary colors. |
Blogging experts say that you should figure out your niche, what makes
you unique amongst other bloggers and focus on that. I'm not sure
exactly what my niche is, but one place to start is to consider what in
this blog has been successful. What is it that people come to my blog
for? Looking over my blog statistics, the most popular
of all time was about a weird rock formation I saw on the Oregon Coast.
Had nothing to do with art.The other most popular posts were of some
daily sketches early on and a few posts from the 100 Painting Challenge.
Looking these over, I am not finding any clear cut niche that these
posts reflect.
Okay, so maybe figuring out my niche is going to take some time. Perhaps I could think about this from another angle and consider why I blog. Certainly one of the reasons I blog and read other artists' blogs is to be inspired by and connect with other artists. Blogging is a wonderful way to participate in an artistic community for people like me who live far away from cultural centers and resources. I definitely want to continue to have an artistic community. However, with more and more demands on my artistic time, it is becoming very challenging to make a regular habit of commenting on other artists' blogs. This seems to be a common problem that a lot of artists are running into, so at least I don't feel like I'm the only one dropping the ball, but it is unfair and unrealistic to expect people to comment on my blog if I'm not commenting on theirs.
Workshop final project - Bison painting using new color knowledge |
Ideally I also want to blog as a way to reach potential customers and direct them to my website or an internet shop where they can purchase my work. Again, living far away from cultural centers and resources means I have very limited options for trying to sell my work. The internet could be a lifeline for me, but again, what's my niche? What would make me stand out amongst the thousands and thousands of other artists out there? It gives me a headache to think about.
So if you are still with me on this long rambling post, thank you, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on all this. What brings you to my blog? What kinds of posts have been the most interesting or helpful here? If you are also a blogging artist, what have been your challenges with blogging? Did you figure out your niche and if yes, how? If you leave a comment to this post, I promise to be more conscientious and leave one on your blog, too.*
*Obviously obscene, mean, or spamming comments will be ignored.