The Oregon coast is rugged and beautiful, with scenic treasures around every turn. All along Highway 101 are scattered lots of view points, state parks, and other opportunities to get out and explore. One little gem we discovered just south of Cannon Beach was a little park called "Hug Point", with beach access. The four of us had had our fill of seafood that evening and needed to stretch our legs, so we popped off the road for a quick stroll along the beach. It was low tide, exposing large stretches of the sand and also access to two other coves that would have been cut off at high tide. The cliffs were riddled with caves as well. We were like a bunch of kids discovering a new land. We excitedly went exploring, checking out the caves and looking for shells, or tidepools or whatever we might come across. What we discovered in the cliffs was not what we expected!

Denise spotted it first and called the rest of us over. If you look at the upper left of this photo, you'll see what we saw peering down at us from the cliff. Kinda cool, kinda creepy. I decided to zoom in on the face with my camera, since often the viewing distance is what causes the illusion. However, it seemed like this illusion held up pretty well even in close view. It was as if someone had placed a doll's head up in that niche and it had become weathered and coated with sand. And that eye - creepy!

We have since been scouring the internet, trying to see if anyone else had noticed the head or if there was a legend about it or anything, but we haven't found any references to it yet. Could it be that we are the only ones who have ever seen The Head at Hug Point...
Yikes!!! That first shot from a distance is downright scary! Like a little ghost is looking out. Interesting!
Maybe she only reveals herself to those who go looking for something . . .
Very cool either way!
Well, I see you boast your nature nerdiness. Perhaps you would like to add your name to my list of nature nerds: http://thenaturelady.blogspot.com/2009/07/you-may-already-be-nature-nerd.html
Hi there! There's a blog award over at my place for you! Please stop by!
I was there back in 2001 and I too saw the face (my boyfriend was a witness as well)! It was very bizarre and a little creepy. Not only that though, I also went climbing into one of the first little caves and found a rock that (no joke) is exactly the shape of a foot! I'm talking, toes, arch, the whole 9 yards! I know that you're not supposed to take anything from those beaches, but I HAD to take the foot! I didn't have a camera and knew that nobody would believe me. My personal theory: That is where the settlers trail went through and if you are on the other side during high tide you are screwed and can't get back. I think that a group of settlers probably got stranded over there and were crushed into the rocks/caves, and over the years the remains were basically petrified. I don't know, just my theory but I'm tellin ya, SOMETHING happened there at that spot. In fact, that experience is what lead me, 10 years later, to "Google" Hug Point, leading me to your blog. Quite mysterious indeed...did you ever come across anyone else who saw the head?
What area of Hug Point is the head located?
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for stopping by. It's been a few years now, so I'm trying to remember exactly how to get to the area where the head is. Basically you turn right when you get down to the beach from the main parking area and walk towards the caves that I show in the first picture in the post (I think those are one or two inlets away. Be aware of the tides!). The head is to the right of those caves, maybe on that sharply pointed outcropping? You have to look up - it's not at eye-level.
I hope this helps. Good luck and let us know if you find it!
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