One of the many delights of our new abode arrived last weekend - our new landlords started a flock of chickens! This just happens to be something Paul and I have talked about doing ourselves someday, so we are enjoying this test run. Madeleine watches the hens through the window very intently, but I can't tell if she sees them as prey or just a curiosity. I'm sure there will be lots of sketches of the hens as soon as I can find my sketchbooks.

And the spring rains have arrived at last. It has rained every day for the last two weeks. It made moving a muddy mess, but we need the rain. Today I noticed mushrooms popping up in lawns all around town. These intriguing ones are from our new yard, and look like something you might see in a medical textbook on diseases of the, er, personal nature. I'll try to identify them as soon as I unearth the box that my mushroom field guide is packed in.

I can't exactly say when I'll be back to blogging on a regular basis again. My ancient computer isn't even set up yet; Paul and I have been sharing his. But I wanted to post a little about our new life and let everyone know that although this whole having-to-move process over the last few months has been extremely stressful, we are really thrilled with our new situation. Thanks for all of your support and well-wishes!
Welcome back!! Looks like things are turning out quite well. Love the new shower curtain!
Congratulations on ending your long ordeal! I do hope that you'll find it's been worth the wait. The bonus chickens make me think that this is exactly what you'll find. I'd love to have the opportunity to sketch chickens every day.
Glad to hear you guys are settling in. Good luck with all of the unpacking! Not fun at all, I know.
Good to hear from you Gabrielle, and glad you found a place. Take your time unpacking and getting settled in.
Back again. Gabrielle, this time to say that I've given you a 'Beautiful Blogger' award on my blog. I go on there about what a surprise to me and how I'm not sure that any of my recipients will actually want it.
If you do decide to use it you're supposed to put the 'Beautiful Blogger' image in a post and award it to four others, and also write 10 random things about yourself.
I thought a longtime about doing this but finally decided that I did really like the blogs that I chose and that I'd be happy to see them get more recognition, not that this will necessarily do that. But I think that's the thought involved.
In any case I'm happy to award it to you and look forward to seeing those chicken sketches.
Chickens! The most inspiring moment in my early drawing endeavors came from drawing chickens! It was fun and challenging and the seed of everything that followed. Hooray for chickens!
Thanks everybody for all of your support these last couple of months. And thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment! Glad to see there are so many other chicken fans.
I know this is a bit late, but your mushrooms are stinkhorns, probably Elegant Stinkhorns. If you got too close while taking the picture, you'll know they are aptly named. :)
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