When I began Painting #2, I could immediately feel myself starting to rush again, so I took a couple of deep breathes and slowed down. I used a big brush on this one, looking for form not details.
It is so hard to do these paintings and not judge!
Today I painted this trillium (Western trillium Trillium ovatum), which is the subject I had originally planned to paint last night. I did a preliminary sketch during my lunch break yesterday and then transferred the sketch to watercolor paper this evening.

I again wanted to keep the brush strokes loose, but with a little more detail than yesterday's painting. Typically I work on hot press watercolor paper for that smooth surface that is so good for fine details, but I used cold press for these last two paintings since I have been working in a looser style this time.

97 more paintings to go!
Beautiful work Gabrielle! Thanks for visiting my blog. You have a real talent here. I like your subjects.
Love the image of Madeleine up in the window - it's wonderful to have a resident model and muse all rolled up into one pint-sized fur ball!
Lovely trillium and I think you've accomplished your goal of working loose.
...both of these paintings have such a peaceful feel to them. You talked about slowing down and taking a breath. I think it worked and showed up a tranquility in the paintings.
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