Saturday, May 09, 2009


It has been a long two years of doing the commuter marriage thing, but at last it is over and my husband has completed his doctoral coursework and is coming home! So please forgive me for taking next week off from blogging while we get reacquainted with each other and to living under the same roof again.

However I would not leave you on the lurch for a whole week, so my dear friend Denise will be acting as Guest Blogger/ Blog-sitter/Substitute Blogger while I am attending to family matters. She is a very talented artist, birder, and fan of felines, with a great sense of humor, so I know you will be in good hands.

(The photo of this french "Do Not Disturb" sign is from a wonderful trip we got to take to Paris last year. If you are interested, you can see more of that adventure at We'll Always Have Paris)

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